Polski oddział IEEE Control Systems Society zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w seminarium, w ramach którego Dr. Yoshifumi Morita wygłosi referat "Parallel wire-type teaching device for industrial robots":
We developed a parallel wire-type teaching device (PAWTED) that enables us to teach directly industrial robots to perform any desired motions. In addition to that, by equipping the PAWTED with sensing technology, it is assured that desired forces that a robot applies to objects during teaching remain unchanged in the playback. With the PAWTED, we provide an advanced technology that not only shortens teaching-time operations, but also is easily used by anyone to teach a combination of complicated movements and forces to robots. This technology contributes to improve productivity, solves the shortage of teach operators and opens new development of robots' applications.
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Seminarium rozpocznie się 30 listopada 2018 r., o godz. 11:00, w sali seminaryjnej WEEIA PŁ, przy ul. Stefanowskiego 18/22 w Łodzi. Będzie to także okazja do spotkania się członków oddziału i omówienia spraw bieżących.